Home Fleet In Canada (1958)
Full title reads: Nova Scotia. Home Fleet in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Royal Navy arrives in Halifax for the first time since 1758. GV British Aircraft carrier HMS Bulwark steaming under bridge into Halifax Harbour. GV Aerial, ship Canadian escort destroyer HMCS Assiniboine. SV Submarine HMS Amphion going towards Halifax Harbour. LV Pan, Halifax Harbour showing ships berthed. GV Pan ship berthed in Halifax Harbour. CU Pan along to show bows of ships. GV Depot ship HMS Maidstone, flag ship of the Home Fleet with two other ships alongside. CU Canadian Rear Admiral Pullen coming aboard HMS Maidstone. CU Sailors piping the Rear Admiral aboard. CU Earl of Selkirk, First Lord of the Admiralty shaking hands with Rear Admiral Pullen. CU Inspection by Rear Admiral on HMS Maidstone. LV Aerial showing Canadian carrier Bonaventure with planes on deck. SV Jets on deck of Bonaventure. SV Bonaventure showing planes. LV Aerial, HMCS (Her Majesties Canadian Ship) Bonaventure.