Pantera Live at Resurrection Fest 2023 ( Spain) Pro shot 4k 50fps
Pantera playing some of their greatest hits at Resurrection Fest Estrella Galicia 2023 (28, 06, 23) in Viveiro, Spain. Profesionally multicam record (4k 50fps). Pantera tocando algunos de sus mayores éxitos en Resurrection Fest Estrella Galicia 2023 (28, 06, 23) en Viveiro, España. Grabado profesionalmente con múltiples cámaras (4k 50fps). Setlist: 00:00 Intro 03:49 A New Level 08:46 This Love 19:30 Walk 25:17 Cowboys From Hell See you this summer Nos vemos este verano Resurrection Fest 2024: Avenged Sevenfold, Bring Me The Horizon, Alice Cooper, The Offspring, Machine Head, Megadeth, Sum 41, Bad Omens and many more Tickets: Subscribe here for more Intro song: Crisix This Is Resurrection Fest Video team: Veinticinco Producciones Social Media: , ResurrectionFestEG, ResurrectionFest, EstrellaGalicia, ConcelloViveiro, DeputacionLugo