Bleach AMV Principle of Defeat Vs Donnie Darko Remains Tie
Results: We got 1 judge voting for us each, and one judge voting for tie. Which means it s a tie The story I had in mind was: Rocky is as most of you guessed represented by Ulquiorra, as he time after time shows himself to be a better editor. . most of the time by surpassing himself in the process, this would sum up the events of our last AMVfight where he butchered me to pieces. Then we move forward to the current AMVbattle, and as some of you know I was having massive problems just using sony vegas without it crashing, and the beta that I uploaded was fcked due to because it made editing a horrid experience this is represented as Ichigo falling Then we have the few guys who s always cheering on me, telling me I could do better. That I should be able to do better. This is represented by Inoue. The above caused me to edit in a frenzy almost 24 hours nonstop, which is represented by Ichigo s hollow. In my own rath