Max Milner Im Mad LIVE at Dean St
Max Milner Live at Dean St. available for preorder here , liveatdeanst EP LAUNCH ticket link I M MAD Written by Max Milner Robbie White MD Keys Dan Bingham Lead Guitar Scott Mckeon Bass Rocco Palladino Drums Alex Torjussen Recorded and Mixed by Austen JuxChandler Mastered by Mazen Murad Videography by Ciaran Obrien Sam Piggot Video edit by Ciaran Obrien Max Milner IM MAD LYRICS You stormed the bass of my heart, Taking place of my scars, With a mouthful of words that you cant and you dont wanna say, When Ive just about cleared up the mess that we made, Made to fight with my guard up, In case your blade is still sharper than armour, You cant walk around just expecting my praise when Ive got a mouthful of words that I dont wanna say