Valery Kastelsky plays Scriabin video 1985
Valery Kastelsky playing Scriabin in 1985. Kastelsky studied with Heinrich Neuhaus. Valery Babyatinsky recites the poems (authors in the credits). Timing below: 00:43 Prelude for the left hand, op. 9 no. 1 05:11 Nocturne for the left hand, op. 9 no. 2 11:30 Prelude op. 11 no. 2 14:34 Prelude op. 11 no. 4 16:50 Prelude op. 11 no. 10 19:03 Etude op. 42 no. 5 22:53 Désir Deux Morceaux, op. 57 25:11 Caresse Dansée Deux Morceaux, op. 57 27:00 Prelude op. 11 no. 5 Валерий Кастельский Скрябин Валерий Бабятинский