Michael Moore Viral Speech On Why To Vote For Trump
Michael Moore says that the election of Donald Trump will be the biggest fuck you ever and it will feel good. Michael Moore discusses why people will vote for Trump in the 2016 election. Michael explains why people are fed up and why they will vote for Trump this election. He states that it will be the biggest fuck you to career politicians, the media, the elite, and the rich. Michael Moore appears to have joined the Trump Train for the presidential election of 2016 and to make America great again. ,MAGA Audio taken from Follow me on Twitter BretTutor For those of you that do not speak English as your primary language, here are some definitions of the terms in the video: Racist when someone believes that a race is superior to another. It is an overused term these days since racism in the US is at a much lower rate than what the media likes to show. In the video you will see a picture of Hillary Clinton who said that