Restore Energetic Virginity Wipe Away Evil Violin for Aura Cleansing, Healing Ambient Music
The aura around your body works exactly as an atmosphere around the earth. The atmosphere protects all the living things of the earth from deadly cosmic rays and debris. The aura protects your body and spirit from low vibrations and negative energies that surround us so densely in the modern life. When the aura is clean and healthy there is no problem. However, when the aura faces the evil and destructive energies it wears out. With a natural organic lifestyle the aura restores its forces when you are relaxed, contemplating, spending calm time in the nature. Unfortunately, a modern person often tries to live so intensively that the aura doesn t have the time to restore and regenerate the one doesn t leave the harming and stressing environments at After some years of such life the aura becomes weak and the harmful energies partially find their way through. You can feel it by being depressed, anxious, demotivated the whole range of so frequently found symptoms They are ofte