WILD STYLE Subway Rap (1983)
WILD STYLE captured the hard core South Bronx scene with its pantheon of hiphop pioneers: Grand Master Flash, The Cold Crush Bros, The Chief Rocker Busy Bee, and The Rock Steady Crew. Wild Style tells the story of Zoro (graffiti legend LEE Quinones), in his subway art romance with Ladybug(another graffiti legend Sandra PINK Fabara). Fab Five Freddy stars as the smoth impresario PHADE. Following the outlawartists through the train yards to the clubs, Wild Style climaxes at a massive outdoor jam, defienetly the most famous hiphop party in THE BEST HIPHOP MOVIE Source Magazine We just wanna bring back the true essence and understanding of the movement so called why we just had to upload this timeless short video and present to you one of the biggest inspirations of all time Wild Style Style Asasins The material was uploaded from the original DVD, which was bought by Style Asasins. FOLLOW US AT: Youtube channel INSTAGRAM PEACE