Homemade CHEESE without Rennet in Fig Leaves
Today we are going to add another homemade cheese to our list, the CHEESE in FIG LEAVES. The peculiarity of this cheese is not only the maturation inside the fig leaves where it is wrapped but also the use of fig latex and lemon for the coagulation of the milk, it is therefore a cheese without animal rennet. For this recipe you will need: Whole milk 2 liters Fresh cream 250 ml Sea salt 2 tsp Lemon 1, 2 Fig leaves 4 Sprig of Fig 1 Cheese Baskets 2 Don t forget to share your experience by leaving a comment Here, on my website, you will soon find the written recipe: APRON : Here you can buy the Cuoredicioccolato TSHIRTS YELLOW LOGO: RED LOGO: Spectacular BEER: If you would like to support the channel, do not hesitate to contribute to the purch