Richie Kates Light Heavyweight Warrior 1953 2023)
Highlights of the skilled former top LightHeavyweight contender. Richie Kates TikTok: Richie Kates Was a professional boxer fighting out of Bridgeton, New Jersey, USA. During his career, Kates would face off against Len Hutchins, Don Fullmer, Jimmy Dupree, Victor Galindez, Matthew Saad Muhammed, Murray Sutherland, James Scott, and Jeff Lampkin, among others. He was known for his incredible determination and excellent left jab. He will be missed by the boxing community and my condolences go out to his friends and family at this time. Song: Colossal Trailer Music Iron Giant PayPal donations: Patreon: Instagram: Facebook: Highlights Knockouts Tribute haNZAgod