Black Watch For Korea (1952)
Crail Camp, Fife, Scotland. Queen Mother inspects and gives farewell speech to the Black Watch who will shortly leave for Korea. GTV. Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother inspecting soldiers of the Black Watch regiment. SV. Queen Mother inspecting, CU. Soldier wearing cockade (feather) in hat. Angle shot, members of the Black Watch. SV. Queen Mother (formerly Lady Elizabeth BowesLyon, Duchess of York) inspecting. She pauses and chats with Sergeant. CU. Royal standard. GV. Troops lined up in front of rostrum from which Queen Mother speaks (lead for voice). SV. Soldiers for voice). SV. Queen Mother speaking: NATURAL SOUND: I am very glad to be able to come to Scotland today, to bid you farewell before you leave for Korea on active LV. The Black Watch, so dear to my heart and to many of my family, who have served in the regiment, has, for more than 200 years, played a distinguished part in the battles of our LV. God Speed and God Bless you All. GV.