Johnny Cash At Folsom Prison ALBUM REVIEW
Listen: Johnny Cash s infamous At Folsom Prison isn t just one of the legendary country artist s most shining moments, but it s easily one of the greatest live albums of alltime. What did you think of this album Love it Hate it Why What should I review next, eh Buy this album: Follow TND on Twitter: Like TND on Facebook: Support TND: Our podcast: Join our forum: FAV TRACKS: FOLSOM PRISON BLUES, BUSTED, I STILL MISS SOMEONE, I GOT STRIPES, COCAINE BLUES, 25 MINUTES TO GO, THE LONG BLACK VEIL, SEND A PICTURE TO MOTHER, THE WALL, DIRTY OLD EGGSUCKIN GOD, FLUSHED FROM THE BATHROOM OF YOUR HEART, JACKSON, GGREEN, GREEN GRASS OF HOME, GREYSTONE CHAPEL LEAST FAV TRACK: I CAN T PICK ONE, JESUS JOHNNY CASH AT FOLSOM PRISON, 1968, COL