DALI feat. Jo Klass George Talent VIRALA Official Video
Aboneazate la Trapanele All Stars: Concerte, Booking: Catalin Rotaru, , INSTA Follow: Dali: Jo Klass: George Talent: Trapanele All Stars Online: INSTA: FB: Muzica: Alex Velea Text: Alex Velea, Rashid, Dali Instrumental: Florin Buzea (djbonne), Razvan Matache (macoramusic) Directed, DOP, Edited: Ciolpan (C) (P) 2021 Trapanele All Stars Toate drepturile sunt rezervate. Orice upload neautorizat al acestui videoclip este ilegal si poate fi raportat oricand la Youtube. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws. In order to avoid copyright infringement, please do not upload this video on your channel. , Dali, JoKlass, GeorgeTalent, Trapanel