Boys Brigade Olympic Stars (1961)
This is a duplicate copy of item check for best quality. Full title reads: Lilleshall. Boys Brigade Olympic Stars Lilleshall, Shropshire. GV of flower gardens and Lilleshall hall in Shropshire. CU Boys Brigade centre piece in front of the hall. GV of the Boys Brigade camp. GV interior of a large tent with many boys being given instructions for the days activities. CU a racing driver Graham Hill talking to some boys, SV pan group of boys walking away from camp to do their sports activities. GV Archery instruction in progress in front of Lilleshall hall, SV group of boys being given instruction of Archery. CU instruction pan to boys, SV one of the boys holding a bow and being given instruction, . GV Cricket coaching in progress, SV one of the boys pan to coach explaining how to hold a Cricket bat in the right position, LV Ditto. SV boy bowling. GV Tennis courts and play in progress. SV instructor pan to boys holding their individual racquets. SV instructor pan to boys showing the boys h