Stentors eating bdelloid Rotifers But one Rotifer escapes
When I started seeing Stentors in the water from my local pond, I read just a bit about them. I found that they are filter feeders eating really small stuff like bacteria and algae. Then I saw a comment on a Website to the effect that Stentors have been reported to eat Rotifers. That s why I was excited when I saw the body of a Rotifer within a Stentor. If you ve watched my videos, you know that I went on to see Stentors ingest lepadella Rotifers and it became common to see the Rotifer bodies within Stentors. So instead of being the mildmannered eater of tiny organisms, it seems that Stentors can be real killers after all. So just how large an organism can they swallow I now have to add bdelloid Rotifers to the list of Stentor food items. Who knows, maybe one day I ll see a Paramecium ingested. What makes this video worthwhile, in my opinion, is that it not only shows living bdelloid Rotifers inside of Stentors, it shows one of them escape Maybe that s common, but it sure surprised me. And don t wo