3 D Printed Fishing Lure l One Day Build To Catch ( I bought A Boat Episode 7)
This website called Sent me a 3D printer the last month so i thought we would test it out by making some 3D Printed Fishing Lures and catch some fish on them. But thats been done so how about if i were to use the 3D printer to do a One Day Build To Catch the way Marling Baits dose but actually printing and fishing the lure on the boat while fishing I meant to say something in the video but forgot I have been really enjoying Marling Baits YouTube channel of late where he dose the coolest videos he calls One Day Build To Catch. Even if you don t enjoy fishing you may love this series where well you guessed it he custom make hand crafted fishing lures and catch s a fish with it in the same day. I don t really like fishing; ) it s his personality that makes the videos so fun. Even my 7 year old daughter like to watch them with me So thats a dad win whenever i don t have to watch Ryans toy review. Marlin Baits