Fluttershy Fillensthy Weather Factory Dubstep Official Audio MLP, Pony 2022
Fluttershy Fillensthy Weather Factory Dubstep Pony 2022 Cloudsdaleis the mobile cloud city located in the skies northwest ofCanterlotandPonyville and the hometown ofRainbow DashandFluttershy. It is featured prominently inSonic Rainboom, briefly inThe Cutie Mark Chronicles, and inTanks for the Memories. The name s suffix, dale, is an old word for a valley or open river valley, but the name is also a play on theClydesdalebreed of horse. The city s buildings and general design take cues from Greek culture, which is appropriate as the myth ofPegasusoriginated fromGreek mytholog , MLP, MyLittlePony, MyLittlePonySong, G4, G5, Pony, Spitfire, Factory, Music, Fluttershy, Brony, Pinkie, Pie, PinkiePie, PinkiePie , Dubstep, Song I m pony, brony musician Fluttershy Fillensthy, Yung Twily Sparkle, PinkiePieLavender; VK: 1. 3. Twilight Sparkle: 7. Fluttershy: 8. Pinkie Pie: Group: My Little Pony: FLuttershy, Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie