Getting to Know a Brown Bess ( Most Iconic Flintlock Musket)
I tried out paper cartridges with a reproduction Brown Bess, showing how the quicker military method of loading works. Definitely a lot more convenient than handling the powder, measure, wads, and lead balls separately. Although not as accurate, due to the undersized ball. Music: 1. ) ESBaroque Church Ensemble 13 by Magnus Ringblom 2. ) Medieval Myths 3 by Andreas Ericson To support the channel: For onetime donations: Get in contact or see a list of my video uploads: My favorite online store for buying swords (worldwide shipping): Where to get HEMA gear and practice swords: Channelrelated shirts and other merch: Things I recommend on Amazon: Bestselling knives on Gearbest: 15 off on GearBest Outdoors Sports products with coupon code out15off :