What Is Bullying
Bullying is when someone hurts, harms or humiliates a person over and over again. A bully looks for ways to get power and control over another person to make that person feel bad and to make the bully look more powerful. Bullying can include making threats, spreading rumors, excluding someone from a group and sending mean messages through text, email or social media. Anyone can be the victim of bullyingpeople bully other people for all kinds of reasons. Bullying can hurt both physically and emotionally. If you have been bullied, dont blame you yourself. Its not your fault. You are awesome. If you are being bullied, talk to a parent, guardian or other trusted adult, and keep speaking up until you get the help you need. Thanks for watching, and have an AMAZEing day Like, share and subscribe to AMAZE for new videos every other Thursday ,BackToSchool Snap: AmazeOrg Insta: AmazeOrg AMZ026