Parental Trauma in a World of Gender Insanity, Miriam Grossman MD, EP 347
Watch Jordan Peterson s Vision Destiny on DW+ Peterson draws upon his extensive research and relatable reallife experiences to illustrate how to develop attainable goals for intimate relationships, meaningful friendships, and your career. Transform the chaotic potential of the future into actuality with a vision. Dr. Jordan B. Peterson and Miriam Grossman discuss the grief and trauma associated with the Transgender movement, not just for those transitioning, but for the parents and families who now find themselves shunned and alienated if they refuse to affirm their own child s delusion. They also go into detail on the history of the ideology, the monstrosity of Dr. John Money, and his horrendous failed experiment on which he built his doctrines. Miriam Grossman MD is a physician, author, and public speaker. Before gender ideology was on anyones radar, she warned parents about its dangers in her 2009 book, Youre Teaching My Child WHA