For The Old DURANGO Wildlands Boyz and Girls OG Players
Even though it had been in beta testing for 2 years before its release, Durango wild lands was only available for 7 months before Nexon discontinued the project and took it off the market. This created a lot of sadness for some of the players who found it to be the best game on the market and even now almost two years later, there is a huge fan base for this game. Well I m happy to announce that a version of Durango Wildlands is coming back. , mmorpg, durangowildlands, durango , projectdx gamesplay durango wild lands 2 project DX natgame DURANGO, WILD LAND, PROJECT DX, durango, durango wild lands, durango 2 , durangowildlands, projectdx, durango2, gametpa