When Orcas Attack
NEW MERCH AVAILABLE: Sea creatures, such as orcas, can be massive. These whales are trained in SeaWorlds, but your chances are small if you interact with a wild orca. Support our Patreon today: Subscribe for new videos: Follow us on Instagram: theywillkillyou Voiceover by Carl Mason: What Is It The orca is actually the largest member of the oceanic dolphin family. The popular name for the orca is derived from asesinabalenas, a term 18th century Basque whalers used in reference to them. It was based on their observations of orca pods. The orcas easily distinguishable by its black back, white chest sides, white patches above the eyes the darkgrey saddlepatch across its back. Its heavy robust body features paddlelike pectoral fins a large dorsal fin, which, for males, can be up to 6 feet tall. Males are larger than females weighing over 6 tons with lengths from 20 to 26 feet