Every Type Of BAD Programmer ( Parody)
IMPORTANT: JavaScript Simplified Course: My Other Courses: Everybody has talked about the different types of programmers, but what about the different types of bad programmers. In this video I dig deep into what terrible programmers think by interviewing. 10x developers. Find Me Here: My Blog: My Courses: Patreon: Twitter: Discord: GitHub: CodePen: Timestamps: 00:00 Introduction 00:10 Testing Guy 02:30 Variable Guy 04:55 BrainF Guy 06:15 The One Normal . .., WebDevSimplified, webdevsimplified, everytypeof, everytypeofdeveloper, everytypeofbadprogrammer, badprogrammers, howtobeabadprogrammer, programmerstereotypes, codingsterotypes, developerstereotypes 20210109 xDsSzUGDfQ