The First Taste of International Competition, Red Bull Kumite Match Analysis ( Street Fighter 6)
streamed July 34, 2023 Footage via Red Bull Gaming: redbullgaming 0:00 Problem X (Lily) vs. iDom (Manon) 11:11 Kakeru (JP) vs. NL (Cammy, Luke) 25:55 Bonchan (Luke) vs. Zhen (JP) 50:44 AngryBird (Ken) vs. Big Bird (Marisa) 1:13:21 Mister Crimson (Dhalsim) vs. Mono (Dee Jay) 1:32:35 Leffen (Juri) vs. Akainu (Guile) 1:42:40 Oil King (ChunLi) vs. Gachikun (Manon) 1:53:52 JabhiM (ChunLi) vs. Tokido (Ken) 2:12:13 Kakeru (JP) vs. Problem X (Lily) 2:23:13 Big Bird (Marisa) vs. Zhen (JP) 2:35:23 Mono (Dee Jay) vs. Akainu (Guile) 2:50:59 JabhiM (Lily, ChunLi) vs. Oil King (Manon) 3:06:11 Big Bird (Marisa) vs. Kakeru (JP) 3:19:55 Akainu (Guile) vs. Oil King (Manon) 3:37:45 Big Bird (Marisa) vs. Akainu (Guile) Follow Sajam on Twitter Twitch: If you re