Dua Lipa Finally Reveals Why She Left Anwar Hadid
Dua Lipa Finally Reveals Why She Left Anwar Hadid Argh Another day, another breakup in the Hadids household and fans cant help but wonder whether it has anything to do with the allegations that the family is super toxic Okay, what exactly happened between Dua Lipa and Anwar Hadid Did their breakup have anything to do with Yolanda Hadid Lets break it down The romance between Anwar and Dua began in June 2019 when, according to TMZ, Anwar made music and decided to show his work to Dua Lipa, who s friends with his sister Gigi Hadid. Then things started to snowball when Anwar found out that Dua had split from her beau and reached out to her for a date. At the time, sources reported that Dua and Anwar went out, had a good time, and liked each other enough to run it back. , dualipa, anwarhadid, gigihadid