Дэвид Снайдер Гипноз реального мира. Сертификационный 7 ми дневный тренинг. 7. 2
Дэвид Снайдер Гипноз реального мира. Сертификационный 7ми дневный тренинг. 7. 2 David Snyder Real World Hypnosis 2012 Day07 : 2 Oct28 SUNDAY 62m 2s HH:MM:SS CHAPTER 1 00:00:00 Approaching, seduction continued, sex is the dessert 00:00:50 If you take sex off the agenda, she ll put it on, wondering why you re different, what s wrong with her 00:01:30 Use innuendo, be indirect, let them fill in the blanks 00:02:05 If it s self generated, it s exactly how they want it to be; less is more 00:04:50 How can we use verbiage to generate the predicate states for attraction CHAPTER 2 00:06:00 How do you engineer connection Most women will only sleep with men they feel a connection with 00:07:40 Men want to keep what they have, not had CHAPTER 3 00:08:45 Ethics in attraction, fairness discussion 00:15:20 We default to what s familiar, it s what we end up doing most of the time 00:15:45 If you want a different result, you must do something different:uncomfortable 00:17:20 Women talk about much more deeper topics