How to Create a CASINO Sound Effects Library
I was asked by a known sound effects company to create a casino sound effects library. They asked for things that I can easily find like poker chips, cards, and dice, and other things more complicated like slot machines and roulette sounds, casino walla sounds, etc. So far so good. The only problem was that this request was during a very unusual time. חדשות שקשורות לקורונה Yes, I was lucky enough to receive a few interesting projects during the first Covid wave, but the problem was that there was a lockdown in my country. So that means No shops open, and traffic is limited. The only thing I could do is basically try to do my best with my own studio and use random junk that I could find around the neighborhood. I started with the easy part. I asked for poker chips, cards, and dice from friends, and started to record them I tried different surfaces and movements till I foun br, br,