War In Palestine With The Arabs (1948)
Unused, unissued footage dates and locations may be unclear, unknown. Amman, Jordan (formerly Transjordan) and Jerusalem, Israel, Palestine LS View of the city of Amman. LS Various shots of tents in a desert encampment and camel grazing. (4 shots). LS Towards, street scene in Amman with King Abdullah s car with military escort passing through cheering crowds. LS The King s car drives away from camera. MS King Abdullah ibn Hussein of Transjordan (born 1882, Emir of Transjordan from 1921, crowned King on later assassinated in Jerusalem on walking towards camera through crowded hall, saluting wellwishers. CU King Abdullah saluting. CU Abdullah getting into car. MS Car driving away through crowded street. LS A fort in the town. MS Members of the Arab legion marching along behind their military shots). LS and MS Various shots of Arab troops in a convoy of lorries passing through Arab town, small crowds lining the road, clapping. (15 shots). LS Countryside scene, trav