Cara Noir Custom Titantron, The Styles Club
A former ballet boy and real life Billy Eliot, Cara Noirs greatest ambition in life was to grace the stage of the Sadlers Wells; but disaster struck when he was prematurely kicked out of the Royal Ballet School and his prestigious scholarship abruptly ended due to anger management issues. This early life rejection at the hands of the establishment, and ensuing emotional fragility resulted in a shattered ego and dashed dreams. No longer the special one in his family, the performer was left in an unstable state with the highly evolved soul of an artist trapped inside the musclebound body of an Essex boy brute. At home in Hornchurch, Cara found himself condemned to a life of unfulfilled ambition. In an attempt to man up and readjust to his less salubrious surroundings, Cara swapped Swan Lake for Sleeper Holds by grappling his way through MMA training 7 days a week at the Galaxy Gym in Seven Kings ultimately gaining his first Black Belt in RenShinKai Karate at the age of 17. Wha