Dont be scared Sabine, You Got This
This video is a response to Sabine Hossenfelder PhD who recently released a video titled Why flat earthers scare me, I thought it might be nice to offer her some comfort by giving her words a new perspective. Instead of responding to her many accusations and claims verbally, I thought it would be more enjoyable to let some refreshing new visuals accompany her dialog. Take hope Sabine, your fears are unwarranted if your theoretical science matches the physical world. Truth fears no investigation, so step up your confidence a little and maybe worry more about the gaping holes in the cosmology of your education In cosmology we re off by a factor of 10 to the 120 Michio Kaku Instead of condescending on people that you know nothing about, how about verifying the radius value over the surface of a large body of water That might get you out of doors and away from the computer. The fresh air will do you good. You can come home refres