Updating Tobis Firmware, Tobi Robot Smartwatch, Little Tikes
Stay up to date on all of Tobi s features and learn how to update Tobi Smartwatch Robot s Firmware With a little help from Tobi, kids are encouraged to get up on their feet, dance, play, learn more Subscribe for more Little Tikes videos: Want to buy, TobiRobotSmartwatch Click here: The new Tobi Robot Smartwatch combines all the interactive features of a smartwatch with a playful robot that s packed with personality. Tobi Robot Smartwatch Comes to Life Before Your Eyes with its moving robot arms and legs, fun sound effects, and 100+ expressions that will keep kids giggling, dancing, playing, learning and more It has two cameras for taking selfies and videos (plus room for 3, 000 photos or 30 minutes of video) and kids can customize their photos with silly stickers too. Learn more: , LittleTikes, TechForK