Five Fingers Animation meme, AMV Bad Spirits
Damn, why did this take so long, Besides that, I hope you guys like this. I feel kind of proud of an animation for the first time. I like the way it turned out tbh : Sorry I could really do anything for New Years, lol so I hope this could make up for it, I worked very hard, ,, Moving on to the backstory: This was back then when Neo destroyed lab A4, and Kasaki escaping, then encountering Neo in an alleyway while he was drunk, he threatened Neo, thinking he was still working with the (To study supernatural beings) Kasaki thought Neo planned on terminating him, but Neo then Explains to him that he stoped working there, because they only wanted to kill and get rid of mutants. Neo had different intentions, and also tells Kasaki that he isnt like them. so, he convinces the mutant criminal Kasaki to stay with him. Promising a better life for him, to protect and provide for him. So he didnt have to suffer anymore. He wanted that for all mutants, of course, this was the beginning of