Clayton Beats Kenny On Points (1950)
Clayton beats Kenny on points. The Royal Albert Hall, London. LV. Start of fight Jim Kenny with white stripe down trunks. MV. Clayton forcing fight. SV. Both Boxers Landing. MV. Clayton landing lefts and rights to Kenny s body, and head. Kenny slips through ropes and out of ring. Kenny clambers back and resumes fighting. Clayton sails in with a heavy right but Kenny covers up and gets out of trouble SV. Boxers break off for end of round. SV. Pan from Kenny to Clayton in respective corners. SV. Start of Round. MV. Kenny misses with right hook and left hook. They go into clinch. SV. Kenny throws Clayton against ropes and rushes in with lefts and rights they disengage. MV. Fight finishes. The boxers congratulate each other referee without hesitation points to Clayton and lift s Clayton s hands aloft Clayton does jig. FILM A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH PATHÉ TV. IT S FULL OF GREAT DOCUMENTARIES, FASCINATING INTERVIEWS, AND CLASSIC MOVIES.