Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Review A Messy Masterpiece
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is both a giant mess and the best game I ve ever played. So much so, in fact, that I had to make the longest goddamn video I will ever make on this channel just to talk about it. 00:00 Gameplay Intro 03:17 Action Momentum 04:43 Accessibility Consistency 07:41 Flawed Linearity 09:16 Level Design 10:09 Open Endedness 12:21 Buddies 13:37 Weapons 15:14 Mother Base 16:39 Side Ops 20:00 Open World 24:22 Objective Imbalance 25:24 Sloppy Pacing 27:30 Greedy Dealings 29:58 Unpolished 33:28 Demon Snake 34:35 Checkpoint Issues 35:31 Battle Gear 36:54 Boss Fights 38:01 The Skulls 39:59 Quiet 41:26 The Man on Fire 43:13 Eli 44:39 Sahelanthropus 46:48 A Lack of Variety 48:38 A Few More Bosses 49:59 Gameplay Conclusion 50:57 Multiplayer Intro 51:32 Metal Gear Online 3 55:54 FOB 58:02 Multiplayer Conclusion 59:08