ANNA Charlie Haden Antonio Forcione
ANNA by Antonio Forcione from the album HEARTPLAY Recorded at the Californian Institute of the Arts 26 28 June 2006 by Ken ChristiansonPro Musica Chicago. CD s, DVD s Vinyl available on (signed by Antonio on request) as well as Downloads and guitar music transcriptions. REVIEWS: Charlie Haden, Antonio Forcione Heartplay tonepoem Snow is Friselllike, and Haden s solo on his own silence confirms how much he s always been able to express without hurrying. It s well up with the leaders in Haden s illustrious collection of duo The Guardian (Nov 06) CHARLIE HADEN ANTONIO FORCIONE HEARTPLAY The recording process has produced a ravishingly beautiful sound in which both Forcione s guitar and Haden s double bass shimmer gloriously in a rich, reallife acoustic Charlie Haden Antonio Forcione Heartplay everything a duet should be the expression of a perfect (Duncan Heining) Jazz Wise Charlie