Hood5six: Organ Failure 10, 14, 2022 Gold Sounds Brooklyn, NY
The show was already proving to be rager with the first two bands of the night absolutely killing it with two intense sets that both clocked in at under ten minutes. On tour with Disease was Chicago blast outfit Organ Failure who were brilliantly placed as coheadliner to New Jersey s Organ Dealer (doesn t get more Grind than that). Between Disease s set and their s, both touring bands tie for best band of the night in my opinion. A relatively new band that started in 2021, Organ Failure initially started as a trio consisting of vocalist Ted Soukup, drummer Max Rivera, and guitarist, bassist Sean Scott, before adding bassist Ryan Reynolds later that year (no relation to the Deadpool actor). This band was a master class in making heavy music of the grindy variety. Perfect drumming, excellent guitar riffs, top notch Grind bass with all that good tone, and a vocalist who was not only fun to watch, but delivered those pitch shifted gurgles the right way. Literally can t wait to see them