Thats a HUGE Red Flag The Buccaneers Cast REVEAL Their Dating Red Flags
The Buccaneers take on our Dating Red Flags game The Buccaneers cast; Alisha Boe, Kristine Froseth, Aubri Ibrag and Imogen Waterhouse reveal their biggest dating red flags Should the guy pay on the first date Is buying your current partner the same fragrance as your ex a good move Is it a red flag if someone is rude to waiters All will be revealed If you enjoyed our dating red flag with the cast of The Buccaneers then make sure you check out Penn Badgley s Red Flags below Thanks for watching our chat with Alisha Boe, Kristine Froseth, Aubri Ibrag and Imogen Waterhouse and don t forget to subscribe , TheBuccaneers, AppleTV, DatingAdvice, AlishaBoe, KristineFroseth, ImogenWaterhouse, AubriIbrag FOLLOW US ON TIKTOK: FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK: FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM: FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: OUR WEBSITE: