The Education of Henry Adams Part 1, 2 Full Audiobook by Henry Brooks ADAMS
SUBSCRIBE HERE TO OUR CHANNEL. FRESH CONTENT UPLOADED DAILY. The Education of Henry Adams, Henry Brooks ADAMS (1838 1918) The Education of Henry Adams records the struggle of Bostonian Henry Adams (18381918), in early old age, to come to terms with the dawning 20th century, so different from the world of his youth. It is also a sharp critique of 19th century educational theory and practice. In 1907, Adams began privately circulating copies of a limited edition printed at his own expense. Commercial publication had to await its author s 1918 death, whereupon it won the 1919 Pulitzer Prize. (Introduction by Wikipedia) Genre(s): Nonfiction, Biography Autobiography, History Language: English This book is in public domain. Thank you for listening. Here are links to other books for your enjoyment. All GENRES Playlists Children s Fiction Audiobooks