7 MIN CHRISTMAS DANCE WORKOUT Easy Family Edition with my brother I Pamela Dennis Reif
I CAN T BELIEVE IT Dennis joined haha This is a Family Edition that is easy enough for all your family members to join :), Anzeige . music: dancing to THE CLASSICS today. Michael Bublé, Kylie Minogue Chris Rea dance moves: easy fun 2nd song: Make sure to NEVER lower your arms for Driving Home For Christmas. Can you all survive the burn 3rd song: give it your all during the Dance Break 4th song: PICK A TEAM. Don t watch it before just go for your feeling. Dennis or Pamela Merry Christmas everyone We hope you have a wonderful time with your family you can find FREE WORKOUT PLANS on my Instagram Channel. 30min, 45min, Beginner Friendly combinations a DANCE plan. Check out the Highlight Bubble Workout Plans for that. Instagram Dennis Instagram use, PamelaReif if you want me to see your workout pics and videos , Christmas, FamilyDance I update my workout playl