Celebrated English Garden Great Dixter in Late Summer, Clever Containers and Vibrant Flowers Part 1
One of Englands most celebrated gardens, gorgeous Great Dixter is famed for bold and innovative colour and design and for its balance of beautiful, high maintenance beds and borders, clever containers and artfully managed wild elements, all supporting diverse wildlife as well as delighting the eye, energising the mind and soothing the soul. For more information about Great Dixter, former family home of the renowned gardener and garden writer Christopher Lloyd, please visit the Great Dixter Charitable Trust website: CHAPTERS 0:00 Introductory scenes 0:40 Front Meadow 1:41 To The Font Porch 2:09 Porch Pot Display 4:20 Solar Garden 6:04 Barn Garden 8:38 Sunk Garden 9:31 Biodiversity 11:09 Wall Garden 11:39 Chilean Myrtle Amomyrtus luma 12:20 Wall Garden Container Display 13:26 Blue Garden 15:30 Topiary Lawn 17:04 Join us soon for Part Two