ABG : Joel Sax
Joel Sax Minnesota Singer Songwriter was interviewed by Roberto AlvarezGalloso Dr. Rob of the Americana Bistro Grill concerning his latest album Billions of Stars. Joel Sax and his music as well as his album is available in all digital platforms as well as his website Roberto AlvarezGalloso Dr. Rob wardrobe is from All American Clothing Co. of Ohio Allamericanclothingusamade and is available in all digital platforms including Zelle, Facebook, You Tube, Instagram, Rumble. Dr. Rob is a a fictional character created by Roberto AlvarezGalloso for the Americana Bistro Grill. This interview is dedicated to the following 1. The Divas of Minnesota Sarah Morris SarahMorrisMusic, Katy Tessman KatyTessman, Amanda B. Perry AmandaBPerry, and Nikki Lemire nikkilemire Haley E. Rydell haleyerydellmusic 2. The International Treasures Doyle Turner doyleturnermusic, Ted Hajnasiewicz tedhtunes, Matt