Interventions at Sainte Justine, Rencontre à Sainte Justine Part 1
Eng: Wednesday noon scientific meeting: The SexOme: Novel approaches to Disorders of Sex Development, presented by Eric Vilain M. D., introduced by Cheri Deal, M. D. at SainteJustine Hospital, Montréal, on the 16th of April, 2014. Thursday morning research talk: Pink, Blue or inbetween Genetics of Sexual Development, presented by Eric Vilain, M. D., introduced by Cheri Deal, M. D. at SainteJustine Hospital, Montréal, on the 17th of April 2014 Eric Vilain, M. D., Professor of human genetics, pediatrics and urology, Director of the Center for Genderbased biology, Chief of medical genetics, Department of pediatrics, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA