Metal Max 3 NDS (2, 9 Longplay)
00:00:00 Exploring 00:08:40 Gokurakudani Death Valley Searching Happy blue crocodile tail for girl Collecting dead trees 00:20:24 acquired the Motocrosser TANK, 3 00:36:26 WANTED Megapudding 01:13:03 Turishi Pass Gratonos appeared Sephiroth cosplayer 01:26:52 Crazy Tank Boss 01:30:05 acquired the MBT77 TANK, 4 02:29:59 Baseball Stadium Dungeon 04:16:40 Babyrock recon 04:29:33 now you are a Shelter guard 05:34:51 Rusty Maiden 05:54:23 acquired the Red Wolf TANK, 5 06:36:46 ColdBlooded Fortress 06:50:25 WANTED Dominguez 07:03:08 Turishi Pass 07:18:30 Hock s Trading Post 07:29:08 acquired the Scouter TANK, 6 04:42:58 Hohoanna