How to Make A Pottery Teapot with Instructive Illustrations and Guides
This week s video goes over making a teapot, together with numerous illustrations and crosssections along the way to explain the how and why I do certain things. I hope this proves to be a useful guide for those of you making teapots Timecodes: 0:00 Introduction 0:15 Throwing teapot body 4:29 Throwing lid 6:16 Throwing spout 8:38 Trimming and assembling teapot 12:32 Piercing the lid, and the reasons why 14:56 Preparing the spout to be attached with illustrations showing proper placement 18:22 Piercing the holes for the spout 19:58 Attaching the spout 21:53 Making the handle 25:10 How I store them for drying 26:18 Final clean up, quality control 27:05 Finished example, (from a previous batch) Thanks for watching Instagram TikTok Website