Drew Visits Legendary Hoarders And Eccentrics , Salvage Hunters, House to Home
Hoping to score a few rare treasures, Drew visits some legendary hoarders and eccentrics. Although theyve got incredible collections, theyre also notoriously unwilling to sell. Want to watch more full episodes from several titles on House to Home Watch them here: Season 1 Episode 5: At Geoffs Dorchester scrap yard, Drew and Julian uncovers the mother lode of rare staddle stones. A selfproclaimed inveterate hoarder, Chris sprawling property includes an herbaceous car park, a collection of cement mixers, and everything in between. Ellys Manor is getting an overhaul and its custodian is looking to clear out the shed. After scouring a used farm machinery dealership, Drew is determined to walk away with a prize or two. Salvage Hunters Meet modernday treasure hunter Drew Pritchard. With demanding customers, high turnover, and one of the biggest decorative salvage yards in the UK, Drew is constantly on the road, crisscrossing the country in search of derelict gem