Resident Evil 3 Trial Edition Beta Items (one of them is USABLE )
This video was made to show you all of the beta items that can be hacked into your inventory using a gameshark device. I ve seen many videos showing some of them, but none showing ALL of them. Resident Evil 3 Trial Edition (USA) gameshark codes that I used: Slot 1 Item Modifier: 300CF31C 00 Slot 2 Item Modifier: 300CF320 00 Slot 3 Item Modifier: 300CF324 00 Slot 4 Item Modifier: 300CF328 00 Slot 5 Item Modifier: 300CF32C 00 Slot 6 Item Modifier: 300CF330 00 Slot 7 Item Modifier: 300CF334 00 Slot 8 Item Modifier: 300CF338 00 where are digits: 2C Red Coin (people refer to them as emblems, but they have a coin engraved on them) 2D Yellow Coin 2E Blue Coin 30 Giga Oil 35 Firehose without Adaptor 3E Firehose Adaptor 3B Chain 49 Remote Without Batteries 4B Batteries 53 NonEquippable Handgun, there are 6 of them 76 Beta Keys 71 Dummy Key (Spade Key From Rsident Evil 2) br, br,