Solar Heat Exchanger, ANSYS Fluent CFD Simulation Training
The present problem simulates a solar heat exchanger using ANSYS Fluent software. This system consists of two parts; So that the water flow moves in the central part of the heat exchanger and the air flow is in the gap installed in the front plate of the heat exchanger. The water flow enters the heat exchanger at a speed of 4 m. s1 and a temperature of 30 C and leaves the heat exchanger at atmospheric pressure. The heat exchanger absorber wall is exposed to solar radiation and absorbs heat through radiant heat transfer. This means that the air gap temperature in front of the absorber plate rises as the sun heats up. This increase in air temperature causes heat to be transferred to the absorber plate, and subsequently, heat is transferred from the absorber plate to the water flow inside the heat exchanger. Therefore, the water flow inside the system increases with the temperature received by the absorber plate. Also, to enhance