Hellish Quart: Clean and Satisfying Kills Montage best duels
A montage of almost 50 satisfying and clean kills in hellish quart its me playing on the left in almost all of these except for in the cpu vs cpu duels (the ones with 2 or 3 rounds towards the end not the history buff duels, in the history buff duels you will be able to tell its me playing on the left again), i would also like to mention the long clip that i found still saved on my computer of some great gameplay of an Isabella mirror with me vs PicadoGames, it was recorded long before the update that added Father Zera (and stamina rework etc). Hope you enjoy ,hellishquart, hema, Hellishquartgameplay here is another three vids like this one Hellish Quart Gameplay Compilation (best moments) Hellish Quart montage: best kills and exchanges Cleanest kills with Barabasz, Hellish Quart Compilation clean and satisfying kills hellish quart 1v1s hellish quart brutal kills helli