It sucks getting I right
When you ve been around as long as and in as many battles as Kup sometimes things just don t work like they used to. Here is the sixth and final stop motion video created for the, TheTransformers The Movie 35th Anniversary Celebration. And one last time, thanks to John Moschitta, Gregg Berger, and Francis Ausley for lending their voices. As well as thanks to Flint Dille and Joe Troutman for bringing all six videos to life. We hope you, the fans, have enjoyed seeing all these as much as the team enjoyed creating them. , Transformers, StudioSeries, Generations, Autobots, Sharkticons, Dinobots, MoreThanMeetsTheEye, MTMTE, StopMotion, WhoNeedsArmsWhenYouHaveDinobots