Think Step Through the Depths of Space Aurora B. Polaris
Interpretive Video edited by ThinkStep Music by Aurora B. Polaris Through the Depths of Space This work uses small clips from the original videos and images to make this work a fair use. The material I ve acquired from the originals has been transformed by adding new expression and meaning in combination with the audio. Being transformative is another factor in making this fair use. Transformative uses that result in the creation of a transformative work satisfies the underlying purpose of copyright law by building on original, and thereby promoting the progress of science and the useful arts. Simply put, transformative works creates something new. As noted in Campbell v Acuff Rose Music, the central purpose of this investigation is to see whether the new work supersedes the original creation or instead adds something new with the further purpose or different character altering the first with the new expression, meaning or message. It asks, in other words, whether and to what extend the new